Category Archives: Lifestyle

What does your sleep position say about your relationship?




Whether you occupy half of the bed with legs and arms stretched or curled up like a baby, scientist say, your sleeping position reveals much about you and your relationship. Let’s see!

  • The Spoon: Spooning is partners touching while laying on the sides facing the same direction. This position is common in the beginning of relationships. It can show lust and the need to be near someone.
  • Honeymoon Hug: While this is a romantic position, it shows that you are new to the relationship. It is unrealistic because it restricts blood flow to the arms. Honeymoon huggers cannot get enough of each other. They want to face each other even in sleep.
  • Shingles: The Shingles sleeping position is one that where a couple are comfortable with each other, suggesting a long term commitment. The female is usually the one with the head one a partner’s shoulder because they are shorter. However, sometimes it is simply the one who wants attention and focus.
  • Sweetheart’s cradle: Sleeping this way is a more intimate Shingles position. It also suggest nurture and cuddling a partner as if to protect them from the troubles of being awake.
  • The Cliff Hanger: This position is pretty common as almost half of the people turn away from their partners when they sleep, so no worries because you’re perfectly normal. Cliff hangers sleep facing away from each other with no physical contact. If your partner’s position changes to the cliff hanger, it indicates a desire to separate or be independent.
  • Leg Hug: This is where both individuals sleep however they want and still maintain contact through a ‘leg hug’. It expresses affection, while keeping your distance, be it because the couple have just had a fight or simply because they prefer their sleeping space.
  • Zen Style: This is most common in couples that prefer to sleep in their own space. So, in order to continue to show affection, their bottoms and backs usually touch. It is the position of an interdependent couple.
  • Loosely Tethered: After many years in a stable relationship, the Loosely Tethered position is the favorite. This is similar to the Spoon, yet it gives more space. It shows that the intimate emotions remain but the comfort of room for sleeping is provided.
  • The Pursuit: The one who usually spoons their partner turns away usually wants to be pursued. This means that they want their partner to spoon them instead, sometimes ending in a rub and a push against their bottom. This sleeping position can be seen as an invitation in many relationships.
  • The Crab: This is a rare sleeping position that can suggest two things. Firstly, that the individual that is falling sideways off the bed has trouble finding a comfortable position, sometimes suggested as a creative person. Secondly, it may be that the partners are trying to get away from each other as far as possible. This could mean an end to the relationship may be very near.




1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. & while you walk, SMILE.
It is the ultimate antidepressant.

2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.

3. When you wake up in the morning, Pray to ask God’s guidance for your purpose, today.

4. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.

5. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, broccoli, and almonds.

6. Try to make at least three people smile each day.

7. Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control.
Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.

8. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge card.

9. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.

10. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Forgive them for everything !

11. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

12.You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

13. Make peace with your past so it won’t spoil the present.

14. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

15. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.

16. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: ‘In five years, will this matter?’

17. Help the needy,Be generous ! Be a ‘Giver’ not a ‘Taker’

18. What other people think of you is none of your business.

19. Time heals everything.

20. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

21. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.

22. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

23. Each night before you go to bed ,Pray to God and Be thankful for what you’ll accomplish, today
24. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.

25. Share this to everyone on your list to help them lead a happier life…

Chill Out: 10 Cool Ways to Beat the Heat Outdoors

Summer doesn’t have to send you and your guests clinging to the comforts of air conditioning, especially if you’re willing to make your backyard a little more inviting with the addition of some welcome shade, air movement or maybe a splash of water. By incorporating one or more of these cool features into your outdoor space, you’ll find yourself spending more and more time enjoying your extra square footage outdoors.
mediterranean exterior by Evan Travels Photography

1. Gazebos. Think back to that clubhouse you had a kid; gazebos are like clubhouses for adults. Serving both as shelter and focal point, a well-situated and thoughtfully designed gazebo is sure to become the star attraction of your outdoor gatherings, luring you and your guests out into the landscape.

While building a gazebo might seem like a big to-do, a well-designed one is like the cherry on top of a sundae. Design yours to coordinate with the style of your home, and be sure to give it enough space to allow for open views.

tropical porch by D for Design

2. Porches. If your style is to stay closer to home, consider the porch. Front porches face out and open up to the world and are ideal for reading the morning’s news or enjoying sweet tea at sunset, while back porches are for parties and barbecues.

You can utilize your existing porch or make modifications if you already have one, or you can build one out as an addition. You can easily dress up an underused porch with comfortable seating and side tables, along with a set of planted hanging baskets. More ambitious projects can include adding gingerbread trim, a tin roof or new wood flooring.

contemporary patio by Stout Design-Build

3. Pergolas. Though traditionally planted with vines to cover walkways in the garden, many pergolas today are used as architectural elements and are given the same pride of place in the garden. Materials run the gamut from rustic and naturalistic willow branches to the wood or metal seen in modern interpretations like this modern oceanfront design.

If you do decide to grow vines on your pergola, choose strong and woody vines that can support much of their own weight. A professionally installed pergola can handle a much heavier load than one installed from a kit.

mediterranean landscape by orlando comas, landscape architect.

4. Shade trees. The easiest and most cost-effective way to add shade to your outdoor space is to plant shade trees such as the live oak trees (Quercus virginiana, zones 7 to 11) pictured here, and they certainly do their part to add beauty and charm to the neighborhood.

The biggest downside is that they take time, but a quick fix is to buy balled and burlapped trees from the nursery that are already large enough to offer some shade. Much as with a puppy, you will also have to commit to caring for your new tree by keeping it well fed, watered and groomed, as well as by picking up its droppings. Unlike puppies, however, a well-cared-for tree can last for generations to come. Fall is usually the best time to plant new trees, but you can begin planning for the perfect spot now.

contemporary patio Hardy Group Builders

5. Awnings. It used to be that awnings and canopies were confined to the edges of buildings, but today they’ve ventured out into the open like the wings of butterflies. Tensioned shade sails, like the ones shown here, take on the forms of wings when attached to nearby structures and bathe the space with captivating light. Other awnings are installed much like pergolas, but the different strips of fabric can be rolled up in different ways to shade the desired area.
traditional porch by Liston Construction Company, Inc.

6. Fans. If it’s still 95 degrees in the shade and too muggy to really enjoy yourself, a cool breeze will circulate the air to make the heat 8 degrees more bearable, as well as keep mosquitoes at bay. Available in chic brushed aluminum, or in styles made to look like palm fronds or rattan,ceiling fans somehow even manage to make an outdoor living area look more inviting. For the less ambitious homeowner, there are freestanding and clamp-on models that can be moved to where they’re needed most.
7. Misting systems. Our bodies produce sweat to act as a natural air conditioning system, evaporating and cooling the immediate area around our skin. Sweating is definitely one of nature’s little miracles, but wouldn’t you rather cool off without the body odor or salty residue? Misting systems spray a fine mist over your outdoor space like the fog surrounding a rain forest waterfall, and the cool breeze provided by a misting fan can make outdoor living very comfortable on even the hottest days.
contemporary pool by Raymond Jungles, Inc.

8. Swimming pools. Undoubtedly the most effective way to cool off, swimming pools have the effect of an oasis in the Sahara and even make landscapes look cooler by association. It’s hard to look at this pool by Raymond Jungles and resist sighing a little and escaping into your imagination for a little dip.

A swimming pool surrounded by nothing more than concrete and turf is nice and all, but not nearly as inviting as one that’s been lushly landscaped. When planting around your pool, be sure to choose plants that are clean and don’t drop too much leaf litter into the pool. Palms, bromeliads and cordylines are great choices for the tropics, while evergreen conifers and grasseswork well for most other regions.

contemporary landscape by Avalon Northwest Landscape, LLC

9. Water features. It doesn’t take an entire swimming pool to cool off a garden; just the soothing sounds of a small brimming urn or fountain will make a brutal summer day feel more manageable. Well-designed and maintained koi ponds provide a welcome distraction and endless entertainment, and water gardens attract wildlife and make the outdoor space appear cooler. Pondless water features such as the one shown here are ideal for small spaces and require less maintenance than full-scale ponds.

Professionally installed water features are ideal where design and longevity are concerned, but budget-conscious homeowners can get their feet wet with a variety of products from precast fountains and brimming urns to plastic pond liners and waterfall kits.

asian patio by CHRISTINA MARRACCINI Inc.

 10. Make your getaway.One way to make every day a staycation is by turning your yard into a great escape with lush greenery, shady retreats, cool breezes and refreshing elements of water. Another way to make a hot backyard more inviting is to make it feel like you’re actually stepping into another world, be it the woods native to your region or the balmy coast of the Mediterranean.
All of the ideas listed above can be styled to fit the overall look you’re trying to accomplish, while adding exotic flair to make your retreat seem worlds apart from your stressful lifestyle. You needn’t go overboard, and it doesn’t take much. Rattan furniture, dark stained wood, prominent water features, stoneware urns and tropical plants like palm trees and bird’s nest ferns all lend a subtle Indonesian or Southeast Asian feel. You can also go all out with an exotic daybed like the one pictured here.

Sitting at a compute


Sitting at a computeSitting at a computer for
long periods often causes
neck and shoulder
stiffness and occasionally
lower back pain. Do these
stretches every hour or so
throughout the day, or
whenever you feel stiff.
Photocopy this and keep
it in a drawer. Also, be
sure to get up and walk
around the office
whenever you think of it.
You’ll feel better!

House of The Future 1


Ted Givens, an architect with Hong Kong’s 10Design created this prototype for a tornado-safe home. Hydraulic levers pull the Kevlar-coated house into the ground when high-velocity winds pass by. The high-tech structure’s roof then locks so water and wind can’t enter. Once the weather clears, the house unfolds and residents resume normal life.